Please join us in saying farewell to our good friend Maggie Tansley, who unexpectedly passed away yesterday after bravely battling a devastatingly short illness. Maggie was passionate about horses and their powerful connection with disabled people, and volunteered at the Unicorn Centre for many years as an enthusiastic and inspiring instructor. She joined our Board of Directors in 2006 going on to be a generous and hardworking Chairman from 2010 to 2016.
Many Unicorn Centre riders will remember our lovely ponies Grenadier and Biggles who Maggie loaned to us and were firm favourites with our learners and riders. Grenadier was one of our stars who competed successfully in dressage at the RDA National Championships and Biggles hit media fame with his fabulously luxurious mane extensions for his appearance at the Championships in the Countryside Challenge.
Maggie was also very active in RDA nationally as well as being Yorkshire and Cleveland Region Chairman until earlier this year, tirelessly supporting and advising our local groups.
Many of you will also know her as a successful breeder and judge of Dales ponies in County Durham which stemmed from her passion for horse welfare.
Maggie will be greatly missed by everyone who knew her and we send our condolences to her family, friends and colleagues.
10 May 2017
Please help raise funds for the centre by adopting one of our horse/ponies. For £24 a year your donation will help to feed and support your adopted horse/pony.
Your pack includes a certificate of adoption, a birthday card on your birthday and an invitation to our annual adopt a pony christmas party and Chester, the cute cuddly horse with Unicorn Centre logo on his jumper. Visits to your horse/pony can be arranged by prior appoinmnt. Also makes a great gift. Please contact centre on 01642 576222 to purchase.
Lee Clark Demonstration 4th April 2017 6.30pm to 8.30pm
Please download the poster here
Places can be booked at a cost of £10 per person by contacting the centre office on 01642 576222
Please book early as places are limited
Do come along to a coffee morning at the Coach House Inn, in lovely Rosedale in the North York Moors on Saturday 4 February from 10 - 12 noon. Not only will you have a fabulous drive through beautiful countyside and a delicious cup of coffee when you arrive, but you'll be supporting the Unicorn Centre, as the Landlord is kindly holding this event in aid of funds for us. Have a look at their website:
Just before Christmas we sadly lost horse Noah to a fatal colic.
It was a very unexpected and terrible shock as only the evening before Noah was performing at his best with our learners, Supported Volunteers and RDA participants for the End of Term Display Evening rides.