An evening of exciting riding displays and an Adopt a Pony party closed 2018 at the Riding for the Disabled Association’s Unicorn Centre as it celebrated the achievements of all its participants.
Riders, diploma learners, Supported Volunteers and the Centre’s own Pony Club gave polished Christmas-themed musical riding displays in front of an enthralled audience of families and friends and proud staff members.
And two special awards were handed out too.
Nine year old RDA rider Charlotte Daniels started riding in 2014 and was chosen for the Maggie Tansley Memorial Trophy for the massive improvement she has shown in her riding this last year. Unicorn Centre supporter Ann Blowman commissioned this perpetual trophy in memory of past Chairman and Trustee Maggie Tansley who sadly and unexpectedly passed away in 2017.
Ann said, "Congratulations to Charlotte for winning Maggie's trophy; it was a pleasure to present her the trophy in Maggie’s memory. Maggie would have wholeheartedly agreed that Charlotte’s great improvement in her riding made her a worthy winner."
Centre Manager Claire Pitt, who presented the award with Ann said, “Staff at the Centre unanimously agreed that Charlotte had made huge progress with her riding this year. When she started riding she couldn’t ride without support, but her balance and core strength have improved so much that she can now fully control her pony and needs very little assistance in her lessons.”
Tamina Ahmed (27 yrs) joined the Unicorn Centre’s award winning Supported Volunteer Programme in January 2016 and attends three days a week. She has recently successfully completed the ASDAN Towards Independence Programme in Animal Care with Horse Riding and Stable Management.
Presenting the Certificate to Tamina, Claire Pitt said, “Tamina has set the bar high among our Supported Volunteers and demonstrates what can be achieved with the right amount of determination and support. We’re so proud of her, and particularly of our Volunteer Support Assistants who have given her the confidence and skills to complete this Programme.”
ASDAN is an education charity and awarding organisation whose curriculum programmes and qualifications help young people develop knowledge and skills for learning, work and life. The Towards Independence programme provides a framework of activities to develop and accredit personal, social, work-related and independent living skills. It offers formal recognition for small steps of achievement towards a larger goal. There are more than 70 modules, which can be used separately and accumulated to build a record of personal achievement.