The Riding for the Disabled Association’s Unicorn Centre is welcoming riders back after the second Covid19 lockdown. The Centre at Hemlington provides riding and therapy services to children and adults with a variety of disabilities, from across the Tees Valley and is now in its twenty second year.
Covid-19 forced the Centre to close completely for six months, resulting in a total loss of income, and the second month-long lockdown and tier 3 restrictions are causing a huge financial hit as well as real hardship, both physical and mental, to its participants who really miss their weekly riding and therapy sessions.
Centre Manager Claire Pitt said, “I’ve never know such a challenging year since we opened in 1998. Our riders are desperate to return, but we’re unable to welcome them all back yet. We’re working really hard to do what we can providing limited riding lessons, as well as coaching on our riding horse simulator Blackberry who is very busy.”
The Centre has slowly started to safely re-open, but it will be months, if ever, before it reaches pre-covid income levels. Grants, donations and fundraising appeals have been a lifesaver for the Centre.
The latest fundraiser is an innovative online Christmas Raffle with a target of £4000 with Barclays staff match-funding the monies raised. The first prize is an amazing £400 cash, with many more donated prizes. Raffle tickets can be purchased at www.virginmoneygiving.com/fund/UnicornChristmasRaffle
The Centre was delighted to receive a grant recently from the Middlesbrough Council Community Grant Fund of £9500 for Covid horse-handling training and equine equipment sanitiser which has helped enormously. And an online Festive Dog Show raised £2000 with match funding from Barclays. The Centre’s volunteers are also doing their bit, with Trish raising £1500 including Barclays match funding, by doing a sponsored 10 mile walk just before Bonfire Night. Despite the dark, cold evening reaching her target sponsorship spurred her on.
Issued 2 December 2020