PHOTOS: Participant Olivia Fairclough riding horse simulator Blackberry during the visit of HRH the Princess Royal to the Centre in February 2020. Photo credit Dawn McNamara.
Connor Darby who’s running the Manchester marathon for the Unicorn Centre.The Riding for the Disabled Association’s Unicorn Centre at Hemlington continues to be severely impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic, which has seen its on-site activities stopped for most of the time since the first lockdown started almost a year ago.
Two Supported Volunteers, volunteer Sue, and rider Olivia explain why they’re missing the Centre so acutely:
Participant Olivia Fairclough said, “I miss riding as it’s a big part of my physiotherapy. As I am paralysed it helps to strengthen my core muscles. Horse riding also makes me happy and I look forward to riding every week. I was hoping to start training and start doing dressage competitions this year.”
“My name is Nikki i am an s.v and I miss working at the centre because it's like my second home and I miss working with the horses and ponies because I love them and my work. I have been at the centre 10 years and it's a place I feel like I really belong.”
“Hi I am nicole miss all the horse and pony and all staff. I am miss my best horse he call thunder cant wait when it open again and miss my ridding lessons because my wight was lost when I was ridding and working at unicorn centre and I was eat healthy when I was at unicorn centre and miss my friends at unicorn centre and we had fun and they with my friends and miss the competitions love from Nicole.”
Sue, volunteer, “I have volunteered for a number of years at the Unicorn Centre and it has become an important part of my life since retirement. Not being able to volunteer regularly due to lockdown means that my days are less fulfilled, I miss the joy of working with the lovely participants and of course I’m missing the ponies and all the friendly staff and volunteers.
“More importantly though my two Grandsons are not able to have their weekly riding lessons. They both have cerebral palsy and their interaction with the ponies brings a sense of achievement that is so important. They both miss their friends at the centre very much and can’t wait to get back.”
The Centre delivers many online activities, training and fundraisers to support the riders and volunteers and now Team Unicorn is running a Fit for February Campaign to encourage its supporters to get fit and rid those Covid Curves. One of the events is a competition to "Guess how many kilos the horses have lost" for £2 a go. People are asked to guess how many kilos horses Thunder, Alby and Louie have lost in total by the end of February to win 1 year's Adopt a Pony membership. Enter at www.virginmoneygiving.com/fund/FitforFebruary21 leaving your name and your guestimate in the Comments to be in with a chance.
There are also a range of free online Zumba sessions, including chair-based ones for the less active. Further information can be found on the Centre’s Facebook page: RDA Unicorn Centre.
Claire Pitt, Centre Manager said, “Lots of people are supporting our campaign, and we’re so pleased that Connor Darby, former competitor and local young business start-up wants to help too by running the Manchester Marathon in October in aid of the Centre. He’s pledging to run 100km throughout February as part of his training, so we’re hoping lots of people will sponsor this amazing challenge.“
For further information contact Claire Pitt, Centre Manager on 0642 576222.