Reproduced from our Your View column in the Evening Gazette on 13 July.
Hello everyone. Wow, what a wonderful stretch of weather we’ve been having! It’s been quite warm here at the Centre too, and the ponies have enjoyed coming into their stables for a bit of shade and a cool down. We’ve been taking some of our riders into the fields for their lessons as it’s good to get out into the fresh air and watch the wildlife.
We have planned a lovely summer event for you all. Don't you wish on glorious warm evenings that you were sitting in a beautiful English walled garden, sipping chilled wine, nibbling canapes and watching an artist create beautiful paintings? We have invited local artist and coach Jacqui Beaumont to paint for us while we sip and nibble. Please join us in the walled gardens of Worsall Hall on Monday 1st August to do just that. Tickets are £10 each. Contact me on 07825249289 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and help support the Unicorn Centre.
Our first Pony Care Afternoon of the summer holidays will be held on Thursday 28 July and more dates are planned. This is a great session for pony-mad youngsters (non-disabled or disabled) aged 5 and over. They’ll be able to spend time grooming and pampering their ponies before having a riding lesson, as well as taking part in horse-themed activities. Places are £31.50 for disabled and £34.50 for non-disabled and there will be plenty of supervision from our staff and volunteers. Booking is essential, so call us now on 01642 576222.
I told you last month about our three new horses, Pedro, Mavis and Ruby. Did you know that you can adopt them and any of our other wonderful ponies? For just £3 a month your adoption donation will help to feed and support your adopted horse/pony. You’ll receive a pack including a certificate of adoption, a card from your pony on your birthday, an invitation to visit your pony, and Chester, the cute cuddly horse with the Unicorn Centre logo on his jumper. This makes a great gift! Please contact us on 01642 576222 to purchase or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
You’re just in time to join us for our next Tea with a Pony event tomorrow - it’s not too late to book a place. We welcome people living with dementia or similar conditions and their carers to join us for a couple of hours to enjoy delicious home-made cakes, meet some of our lovely, gentle ponies and watch a pony demonstration. This is a wonderful way for people to reconnect to their past, and it’s smiles all round when they get to stroke the ponies. Places are only £5, so please call the Centre to book.
Thank you for everything you do for us. Jackie.